Sep 23 2011

Hey everyone! I just wanted to share One More Thing with you about this refactoring.

The main thrust of the last article I posted was to show you a technique for extracting a class, getting it under some kind of test, and then refactoring it a bit. Refactoring is always an iterative process, and Ryan Bates from the always awesome Railscasts asked me why I made the Salmon class into a module, especially given my recent rant against modules. The answer was, ‘because it’s simpler, and the first thing I thought of.’ He shared with me an alternate implementation that I like too, and I wanted to share with you. Check it:

class SalmonNotifier
	def initialize(user, feed)
		@user = user    
		@feed = feed  

	def mention(update)  

	def follow   
		deliver OStatus::Salmon.from_follow(,  

	def unfollow   
		deliver OStatus::Salmon.from_unfollow(,  


	def deliver(salmon)  
		send_envelope_to_salmon_endpoint salmon.to_xml(@user.to_rsa_keypair) 

	def send_envelope_to_salmon_endpoint(envelope)
		uri = URI.parse(
		http =, uri.port), envelope, {"Content-Type" => "application/magic-envelope+xml"})  

This follows a more OO style, and is a bit more well-factored. Here’s his description of what he did:

  1. Switched to a class and gave it a name that is a noun (maybe name should be different though).
  1. Moved common method params into instance variables.

  2. This simplified the mention/follow/unfollow methods enough to be on one line.

  3. Renamed “send_to_salmon_endpoint” to “deliver” because it feels nicer, the “salmon endpoint” can be assumed due to the name of the class. I generally don’t like to put the class name in the method name.

  4. Extracted commented out into its own method with the same name. I don’t know if this is really necessary though (same reason as above).

The only thing that bothers me now is the constant access of and This makes me think it should be interacting directly with authors. However you still need access to @user.to_rsa_keypair but maybe that method could be moved elsewhere more accessible.

All of these changes are pretty good. Ryan’s suggestions for moving forward are pretty good, as well, but I’d add one more thing: we’re starting to collect a bunch of methods all related to delivering more generic HTTP requests in the protected section. This also might be worth pulling out, too. Protected/private in general is a minor smell that indicates there’s code being used multiple times that’s not part of the main objective of the class. It might not be worth it yet, but then again, it might. Speaking of protected methods, you might wonder why I ended up mocking out my protected method in the last post, as well. There are no more tests that actually test the method is working properly. This is true, and it’s because I was leading into thinking of something like this. Mocked tests are almost always unit tests, and two methods are two separate units, so I had just ended up doing it out of habit. This further shows that maybe an extraction of another class is worthwhile.